24 February, 2010

Changes Around Town

Real-Time Update

Changed some things around at my alternate blog. Not sure if I will make the switch permanently or anything just yet. But WordPress is just proving more and more superior as time goes by. Not that it is Blogger's fault. I think it just is more suitable for most things. And it looks really nice. So feel free to wander over if you like. I posted a lengthy update on the music I have encountered recently.

Hope all is well,

15 February, 2010

Freedom Blog


I reckon that I have not updated this in quite some time. I am ambitious to bring it back to life though. First I must make my announcement of freedom. Three days ago was my last day as a full time employee of Express LLC. And having only been released for three days, I am not sure what the consequences are in full, but so far it feels right. I have wonderful plans and hopes and dreams in my head as to what I will do with my freedom. I just hope that I get around to all of them.

One of my new projects that has just got off the ground is serving as a contributor for a new music blog called Paper Trail. I have written a couple little reviews so far and am looking forward to getting more involved over the next few months, writing concert reviews, taking pictures, maybe getting into some free shows. Anyway, I will let you know how that progresses. But so far so good. And it is nice to write with a purpose again.

Another happening is my continuing work with Dan Towne Hall on his upcoming Cygnet Wings debut. I think we are nearing completion on one of the five tracks, while the others await some general clean up, a few vocal additions, and some mixing. It is all quite thrilling and will hopefully be delightful to listen to.

With the advent of my freedom, I suppose the next step is getting healthy. The doc tells me that I have a sinus infection. After taking all five doses of my antibiotic, I am not sure that I feel any better. So we will just have to hope that changes soon. Who knows.

Not sure what else there is. I am looking forward to living a life again. A real one. Things are looking up. Hope they are doing the same for you.

03 February, 2010

February Begins And So Do We


Dear readers, we have already blown through an entire month of this new year. And although it has gone by quickly, I feel alive. More-so than years past. This truly is a year for following your dreams and accomplishing things that you have put off in the past. It is slightly discomforting, but I cannot help but feel that the end will be worth it. So take heart, if any of you are feeling concerned, or uneasy. Things are never as bad as they seem, and although it often appears that we have no choice in this life, ultimately we are the controlling factor. And there is always a choice.

My associates and I attended a fabulous Lost-themed event last night. It was really a sight to behold. Free island-inspired cocktails from 7-8, a Lost-themed band (including a sing-a-long refrain "I once was found, but now I'm lost, and all my friends are dead" right before the show began) and comedy show (though horrible) 8-9, and then two hours of glorious t.v., the likes of which no movie could best. The venue (The Bell House, in Brooklyn) had every little detail in place, even down to the replica Oceanic Air raffle tickets (I may have to take a picture of this to prove it, I didn't believe it either). The show was great, and no doubt was aided by the crowd. They were (maybe 400 or so) at once enthusiastic and thoughtful. No word was missed, but there was plenty of cheering. Taking an emotional ride the likes of two hours of Lost, with 400 strangers joined by a common interest is such a great feeling. And only in New York. I am sure there were Lost parties elsewhere. But how could they compete? Next step is to call my dear friend C. Ryan Fields for an update.

Good luck with the rest of the week,