15 February, 2010

Freedom Blog


I reckon that I have not updated this in quite some time. I am ambitious to bring it back to life though. First I must make my announcement of freedom. Three days ago was my last day as a full time employee of Express LLC. And having only been released for three days, I am not sure what the consequences are in full, but so far it feels right. I have wonderful plans and hopes and dreams in my head as to what I will do with my freedom. I just hope that I get around to all of them.

One of my new projects that has just got off the ground is serving as a contributor for a new music blog called Paper Trail. I have written a couple little reviews so far and am looking forward to getting more involved over the next few months, writing concert reviews, taking pictures, maybe getting into some free shows. Anyway, I will let you know how that progresses. But so far so good. And it is nice to write with a purpose again.

Another happening is my continuing work with Dan Towne Hall on his upcoming Cygnet Wings debut. I think we are nearing completion on one of the five tracks, while the others await some general clean up, a few vocal additions, and some mixing. It is all quite thrilling and will hopefully be delightful to listen to.

With the advent of my freedom, I suppose the next step is getting healthy. The doc tells me that I have a sinus infection. After taking all five doses of my antibiotic, I am not sure that I feel any better. So we will just have to hope that changes soon. Who knows.

Not sure what else there is. I am looking forward to living a life again. A real one. Things are looking up. Hope they are doing the same for you.

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