A Narrative
Greetings, I hope all is well with the world out there. As for my absence, there are a couple of reasons. First, I was supposed to have a glorious vacation in Colorado skiing for a couple of days. As fate would have it, I came down with some sort of awful sickness on day two and was unable to perform the physical requirements of skiing. At least I fit in one day. And it was nice to see family.
Regarding this sickness. It seems to have the lingering qualities of a hibernating bear. Which I guess isn't all bad. I have sort of accepted it as a part of me now. If its course continues at this rate, I may be healthy early next year.
The next event of note is NYC's participation in this winter storm, this weekend past. Apparently it came up from the south and many places received large amounts of precipitation. As for us, we welcomed almost a foot in the city and most of the five boroughs. I was fortunate to have the weekend away from work and enjoyed sitting at home watching the snow. It was absurd to have so much come down within twenty four hours, but I guess that happens from time to time. I began to document this event photographically after the snow fell.

This is the view out of our 'roof terrace'. The first adventure was getting out of the building. Not much snow had been cleared off of sidewalks or steps yet, so the steps to the building were obscured to say the least. At any rate, Dan and I decided to check out the park, so we went.

This is Eastern Parkway. A lovely little walkway really, I am on parts of it everyday. It really has come into its own with the advent of winter though. It traverses through Brooklyn and passes the main cultural area that holds the museum, public library, and some other nice things.
I love how this picture turned out. The woman (admittedly inadvertent) looks so peaceful out there. It is particularly great since they did not pave the main road through the park, yet you can tell she is still following the path if you look at the lamppost. I think I may have one more to share before I bore you.
Once in the park, it was one of the most interesting sites. There were literally people everywhere. It was difficult to capture in a single frame, but this was my favorite attempt. It was the most like a community that I have felt since living here, which was sort of refreshing.
The only other thing of note that has happened here is a fairly lame holiday party for the folks at NYU's theatre. I went thinking there would be more people there that I could meet or at least see one more time before next year. But out of the people that I like that work there, only a couple were at the party. It was still nice though, I just wish I weren't so easily annoyed by people sometimes. But then again I don't know if I would wish for that.
Warmest wintry regards,
G. Alan Busch Jr.
Post Script: I do not know if I have heard any wonderful new music lately. But if you haven't, do give the Sun Giant EP a listen again. It is worth revisiting.